Saturday 12 August 2017

Oracle Database installation in Virtual Box

How to create oracle database in virtual machine.

Copy software to staging area in server. In my case ‘/u02/softwares’ is the staging area.
[oracle@server1 database]$ pwd
[oracle@server1 softwares]$ cd 11203/database/

Before start runInstaller we need to start xserver as root user in host. So that we can get GUI mode to start runInstaller.
[root@server1 softwares]# xhost +
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host

Run runInstaller as oracle user.

Uncheck “I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support” box and click Next

Click on “Yes”to go to next window
Select “Skip Software updates” and click Next.

Select “Create and Configure a database” and clict Next

Select “Server Class” and click Next

Select “Single instance database installation” and click Next

Select “Advanced Install” and click Next

Keep default language and click Next.

Select “Enterprise Edition” and click Next

Select location for Oracle Base and click Next. In my case I am using “/u01/app/oracle” is the base.

Keep default value and click Next

Prove “database.localhost” as Global database name and click Next

Provide memory size as per your requirement under “Memory” tab.

Select “AL32UTF8” as the character set under “Character Sets” tab.

Check “Create database with sample schemas” if required. We get SCOTT, HR schemas if you select this option. Click Next

Keep default value and click Next

Provide location for “C, R, D” files and click Next. I my case I have used “/u02/oradata”

Keep default value and click Next

Provide password for sys, system schemas and click Next

Keep default group and click Next

Click on “Fix & Check again. It will give script name to run as root user. Return to Installer and click OK.

Run “” script as root user.

Click on Install

Click on OK.

It prompts us to run script as root user. It will update ORACLE_HOME location and database name in “/etc/oratab”

Return to Installer and click on close.

Set the environment and connect to database.

Check the listener status.

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