Wednesday 5 December 2018

How to change concurrent manager process count.


This document describes how to increase/decrease the process count for a particular concurrent manager. We may need to increase process count of a particular concurrent manager if pending count is very high. We need to increase processes when there is no process available to pick the requests from fnd_concurrent_requests table.

Note: Increasing concurrent manager process count impacts on server load where concurrent manger is running. We make sure that we  have enough memory in server before increasing process count of any concurrent manager.

Procedure to increase processes of a Manager:

Step 1: Login to sysadmin and go to system administrator --> Concurrent--> Manager --> Define

Click on "Define". Below form opens.

Step 2:

Click "F11" to go query mode.

Step 3:

Enter manager name and click "Ctrl+F11"

Step 4:

Click on "Work Shifts". Increase/decrease the processes and save the form.


Go to System Administrator --> Concurrent --> Manager --> Administer form and find the updated processes count.

Thanks for your patience to view this document......

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