Thursday 25 February 2021

How to find currently running SQLs in the database

Use below query to find the currently running SQLs in the database.

set pages 50000 lines 32767
col HOST_NAME for a20
col EVENT for a40
col MACHINE for a30
col SQL_TEXT for a50
col USERNAME for a15

select sid,serial#,a.sql_id,a.SQL_TEXT,S.USERNAME,i.host_name,machine,S.event,S.seconds_in_wait sec_wait,
to_char(logon_time,'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI') login
from gv$session S,gV$SQLAREA A,gv$instance i
where S.username is not null
--  and S.status='ACTIVE'
AND S.sql_address=A.address
and s.inst_id=a.inst_id and i.inst_id = a.inst_id
and sql_text not like 'select S.USERNAME,S.seconds_in_wait%'

Thanks for going through the post................

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