Wednesday, 31 March 2021

How to find pending concurrent requests in 11i/R12

This document describes how to find total pending concurrent requests in the system. 

Some times our concurrent requests queue fill up. We find lot of requests in pending status. In that scenarios we need to find the total number of pending requests. 

Please use below query to find pending concurrent requests details.

SELECT  DECODE(phase_Code,'P','Pending','R','Running')
        , meaning status
        , count(*) numreqs
  FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_requests, apps.fnd_lookups
 WHERE LOOKUP_TYPE = 'CP_STATUS_CODE' AND lookup_code = status_code AND phase_code in ( 'P','R') and status_code!='D'
and requested_Start_Date < sysdate
group by   DECODE(phase_Code,'P','Pending','R','Running') , meaning

Thanks for going through the post.................

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